This past week I was at the Global Influence Summit, run by Joseph Ranseth.
Joseph has spent years studying the movements of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and teaches this to thought leaders in their commitment to change. The Global Influence Summit was about starting movements. As you can imagine, it was an inspiring three days surrounded by amazing people doing incredible things.
One of the things we spoke about was the misrepresentation of Gandhi’s quote. Did you know that he didn’t actually say “Be the change you want to see in the world”? What he did say is much longer and even more insightful.
Maybe someone thought they would paraphrase to make it easier? No matter. It’s worth reading the whole thing; Joseph writes and talks about it, and uses it in his work. He has also written a blog post dedicated to this quote – there are some great insights in that post that support the work around diversity, inclusion, belonging and community building.
So I’m going to hand over the inspiration for this week to Joseph.
You can read his blogpost here.
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