If you live in the Toronto area, Happy Pride Week!
The rainbow flag is everywhere – a great opening to talk about LGBTQ issues.
Even sweeter this week is the US Supreme Court’s ruling on same sex marriage – making it legal in 13 US states and DC. There are 30+ states in which it is still illegal, but this is a big step.
And while that is big news for the citizens of those US states, and another victory for LGBTQ rights worldwide, let’s not forget that we all contribute to victories like this by adding our voices, and being allies.
Some of you work in companies that have LGBTQ Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), or whose companies are interested in corporate social responsibility. Here is a great video on LGBTQ safer schools that I just saw and think is amazing. It’s from PFLAG, and it’s part of a partnership with Johnson & Johnson in the USA.
But if your ERG or your corporate social responsibility department is looking for a worthwhile project – this is a great example of what is possible. LGBTQ youth (and those perceived to be LGBTQ) are not feeling safe in school. The statistics are staggering. In Canada, you can call Egale Canada. They are doing amazing work with their Safer Schools Campaign, to help make schools safer for LGBTQ kids.
Get involved! Help make a difference!
Happy Pride!
See more.
Copyright 2013 Annemarie Shrouder
Author, Speaker and Facilitator on issues of Diversity & Inclusion.
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