Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about accessibility and language. It started with the word “blindspot”. I have continued to use it, despite recognizing that it’s ableist language - language that underscores that society determines ability (vs disability) as the norm and therefore as more …
Accessibility ….really?!
There is a new pedestrian overpass near where I live. It provides easier access to the grocery store (and other stores that have popped up in the past decade+ since they promised to build it) for people living on the north side of the railway tracks. It probably shaves at least 15 minutes off the …
Technology and Access
As many of us are aware - we live in a technological world. Wifi at home and in public spaces with which we can access information from our laptops, tablets, and cellphones. Email addresses that are accessible from any of these devices - and even via apps to make it easier to connect. When we are …
Learning Sign Language in School
I’ve been thinking a lot about belonging and connection lately - thanks to Simon Sinek and his book Leaders Eat Last. And then I came across an article questioning if children should learn sign language in school. Which hit me for two reasons, one of which is that my latest preoccupation has been …
Accessibility – what does it mean?
Recently I was in a restaurant having lunch with a colleague. The server came to tell us the specials and announced that the soup that day was vegetable, but added: “It isn’t totally vegan, because it’s made with a little bit of cream.” Pause. “So then, it’s not vegan at all,” I suggested. They …
What Happens When Black Lives Matter
This past Tuesday, at the Pride Toronto AGM, members voted to uphold the demands of Black Lives Matter made last summer at the Pride parade. One of those demands was the removal of police floats from the Parade. Police spokesperson Mark Pugash expressed disappointment, and is quoted in the …
ASL – a language all its own
I heard something last week while listening to Spark (on CBC radio) that created a shift in perspective. I love that! American Sign Language (ASL) is not the same as English. Which means that often the literacy rates of people who are fluent in ASL is low. Wait, what?! If you are having the …
A new look at a daily activity
On my run yesterday, I had to cross a busy street. This isn't unusual. But yesterday I noticed a new button at the crosswalk. It's likely not new, but it's the first time I noticed it. And I noticed it, because it beeped when I pressed it. The beep caused me to pause. If I had a visual impairment, …