There are so many things I want to write about, with regard to the interview Meghan and Harry gave with Oprah which aired on Sunday. You’ll see these musings over the next few weeks. Today, I’m focusing on the big picture – the pervasiveness of racism. Racism is Pervasive Let’s take in the …
anti-Black racism
BLM, Action and the NBA
If you’re a basketball fan, you’ll have personally felt the impact of the pause in playoff games last week. But even if you’re not a fan of the sport, you likely heard about the boycott. (In case you didn’t you can read about it here and here Acknoweldging impact With the NBA boycott in mind, …
BlackNorth Initiative – is your company up for the challenge?
BlackNorth Initiative was formed last month. As many of these, it was in response to the killing of George Floyd. But anti-Black racism is (sadly) not a new issue. Their goal? To increase the representation of people who are Black around Canada’s Boardroom tables and among executive suites. They …
[Continue reading] BlackNorth Initiative – is your company up for the challenge?
Effective Allyship
As the weather gets warmer and we step into summer, I've noticed a change in my spirit. A lightness. It also has something to do with lifted COVID restrictions. And, as if on cue with the weather, I have noticed that I'm slipping back into former COVID habits - like not washing my hands right …
Systemic (Anti-Black) Racism: New, Not New
(Yes, I also have Beyoncés Sorry, Not Sorry in my head now…) I have had many conversations over the last few weeks about anti-Black racism and systemic racism. The conversations feel different. There is a sense of leaning in, of wanting to know, of awareness (even small), that I have not felt …
[Continue reading] Systemic (Anti-Black) Racism: New, Not New
Rethinking Statues, Monuments, and Street Names
Around the world, we are seeing protests (sparked by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police and the ensuing riots in the USA) that include demands to remove monuments, statues, and street names that honour people involved in anti-Black racism - from people who profited from and were …
[Continue reading] Rethinking Statues, Monuments, and Street Names
Anti-Black Racism is Real
I’m feeling hopeful this week as our federal political leaders have publicly stated that anti-Black racism is real in Canada. Because it is. Because we need to talk about it. Because allies help in our struggles for justice of all kinds. (You can read about the statements made here and …
The (Subtle?) Ways History can Undermine Inclusion
Last week I was in San Antonio, Texas for the Evolutionary Business Council’s annual conference. My colleague and I led a short session called Real Talk: Race, Equity and Raising Social Consciousness. We also met with the organizational leadership to discuss these issues in the context of …
[Continue reading] The (Subtle?) Ways History can Undermine Inclusion
The Raptors, Basketball, and Black Boys’ Dreams…
I’m writing this on the eve of Game 5 of the NBA Finals. The game has been going on for about 2 hours. I am not watching – I have no TV – but I can hear the energy spilling out from neighbouring windows. My 7-year-old daughter has taken to basketball in the last few weeks, and I’m sure she will be …
[Continue reading] The Raptors, Basketball, and Black Boys’ Dreams…
Anti-Black Racism in Canada
Last year, we heard a lot in the news about the Starbucks incident with the two Black men who were arrested for being in the café, while waiting for a friend. The issue? Being Black – and what this meant for the Starbucks employee who called the police. We then heard a lot about unconscious bias, …