It doesn't matter why you use a derogatory word. It’s just not acceptable. Ever. But they keep flying out of people's mouths. This week we had two Canadian examples of the way we often carelessly throw hurtful words around. One was homophobic, and one was racist. Both words are derogatory and …
Visible Markers of Difference
Recently I spent a weekend in the Crown Height, Brooklyn – a Hasidic neighbourhood. As I walked to and from my friend’s apartment, I was surrounded by men in black suits, white shirts and hats or yarmulkes, and a few women in long skirts. Despite being a person of colour who is used to being …
The N Word
Last week, as you know, Larry Wilmore’s used the ‘N word’ at the White House Correspondents’ dinner. It's been on my mind. Personally, I think the use of the ‘N word’ should not be used by anyone who isn’t Black. And then, its use needs to be carefully weighed before proceeding: what’s the context, …
“Did you really just that?”
I think we've all been're part of a group, participating in a conversation, when someone says something that makes you cringe. It could be a joke, a word or even an expression. Expressions are particularly tricky because often we have heard them for so long that we don't stop to think …