You’ve likely heard the argument, or perhaps made it yourself. It goes something like this: "When you come to Canada you should be prepared to be Canadian. Do whatever you want to do from 'your own culture' at home, but otherwise this is how we do things here." Often in this argument someone …
Rethinking the Toronto Air Show
If you live in Toronto or the GTA, and were home this past weekend, you likely noticed the Air Show. Or maybe your city has an Air Show as well? Read on. Photograph:JasonGillman The Air Show is an end-of-summer CNE-closing tradition in Toronto. Does anyone know why? I don’t, and I’ve lived in …
Inclusion Means Everyone
Last week at the Cities of Migration conference in Toronto, one of the panelists was Rachel Peric – the Deputy Director of Welcoming America. She and the organization were introduced as having helped to turn hostile communities into welcoming ones, which of course caught my attention right away. …
Cities of Migration
Cities of Migration – the 3rd annual – is put on by Ratna Omidvar and Diversity Global Exchange and is happening in Toronto until Friday March 4. The tag line is “Diversity Drives Prosperity” so of course I was intrigued, and looking forward to participating in and listening to some broader …
Maybe Canada is a melting pot afterall?
For as long as I can remember, we have used the word "mosaic" to describe the way people can keep their cultural beliefs and traditions when they come to Canada to live. This is in contrast to our neighbours to the south, who have been referred to as the "melting pot" - a place where you leave your …
The niqab and Canadian citizenship
I first heard Immigration Minister Jason Kenney on the radio on Monday night, talking about his decision that women wearing a niqab must show their faces during the citizenship ceremony in order. I couldn’t believe my ears when he used the fact that women are required to be unveiled when they …
Incentives for Hiring Immigrants – friend or foe?
Thanks to the politicians, the debate rages - is it a hand-out or is it increasing access? (and don't get me started on the difference between "foreign workers" a la Tim Hudak and immigrants looking for work). Listening to Q this morning on CBC, I heard an interesting interview with 2 successful …
[Continue reading] Incentives for Hiring Immigrants – friend or foe?
“Foreign Workers” – really Tim?!
Since the foundation of the work I do is helping people to become aware of the assumptions, stereotypes, and perceptions they carry - and how these (often unconsciously) create barriers for others and between themselves and others - I have to comment on Tim Hudak's use of the term "foreign …