It’s an interesting thing that Quebec has done with Bill 62: they haven’t used the word Muslim or niqab in their Bill, but they have still managed to target Muslim women. Sneaky. And, in my opinion, sinister. There has been a statement to attempt to defend the universalism of the Bill. …
The impact of the words we use – Islamic? Islamist?
Today’s Toronto Star newspaper article by Shree Paradkar bears blogging about. It’s a perfect example of how bias works, and how language helps to fuel both unconscious bias, and hatred. The columnist - Shree Paradkar - makes many excellent points. Here are a few of my favourites. You can …
[Continue reading] The impact of the words we use – Islamic? Islamist?
Islamophobia at a School Board meeting
This is what Islamophobia looks like This is what Islamophobia looks like: A policy that has been in place for 20 years, allowing Muslim students the opportunity to pray at schools on Fridays, being violently opposed. This is what Islamophobia looks like: Tearing pages out of the Qu’ran. This …
US Travel Ban Thoughts
I was in the USA last week when President Trump announced his 90 day ban for entry into the USA for any citizen from 7 predominantly Muslim countries (those were his company apparently does business conspicuously absent) and 120 day ban on the admission of refugees from those same countries (Iran, …