First I want to acknowledge that the report from the Inquiry into the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was released in Ottawa yesterday. I want to read more about what it says before I write about it. In the meantime, a little something about privilege. The cover of NOW …
Power, Privilege, Unconscious Bias and… Body Language
Next week I’m presenting at an Advocates Society conference here in Toronto. The theme is body language. I’m no body language expert by any stretch, but what’s fascinating is examining body language within the context of power, privilege and unconscious bias. These are issues that I speak and …
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The Impact of Discomfort
I happened to be listening to G98 on the radio this weekend, and I caught an interview with Jully Black – the Canadian R&B singer. The topic was the Canada Reads and how it got “heated” between Jully Black and Jeanne Beker in the final episode. They played it on the radio, and I have since …
What’s Privilege got to do with it? – Part 4
For the last installment of the series, I have two more common examples of privilege to share. Both are based specifically on identities: race and gender. The first example is thanks to Hadiya Roderique, who wrote an amazing article for the Globe and Mail last weekend entitled Black on Bay …
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What’s Privilege got to do with it? – Part 3
Last week we explored taking up space. This week we’ll explore the ways we use our privilege to discount others (and impose our needs on them). I was recently facilitating a workshop. Right away, during the introduction, one of the participants indicated that he was aware of his privileges …
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What’s Privilege got to do with it? – Part 2
I’m sure you’ve been in situations like this – the ones where someone is talking way more than anyone else in the group. Maybe you were at a party, maybe it’s a group of friends, or perhaps it happens at work. Share the Air In workshops, we always have an agreement about sharing the air. I explain …
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What’s Privilege got to do with it? – Part 1
I’m hearing Tina Turner in my head as I start this blog post. “What’s love got to do with it…” Sing it, Tina! I’m starting a series on privilege. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be examining some of the ways it shows up in our lives. At the end of the series, we’ll have an opportunity to talk about …
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Recognize Privilege – Part 2 of “How to be an Ally”
Welcome to week 2! An ally is someone who supports someone else. In the context of social justice, allies support people and communities who are marginalized, in their struggle for equity, human rights, justice, etc. An ally is not a member of the group they are allied with. Last week, we …
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Who Gets to Complain, Why, and Who Is Heard?
Complaining is something that only those with privilege are really afforded. Did you know that? It’s true. So, who is heard? Complaining is something that only those with privilege are really afforded. Did you know that? It’s true. And to highlight this, I’m going to share two examples from …
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Racism in a Menu?
A Toronto restaurant has been called out by the media for calling their non-spicy food option “White” on their menu. Reality Check Firstly, I have to point out that in a world where Black men are routinely targeted by police – in some cases fatally – and there are many many examples of …