On my run yesterday, I had to cross a busy street. This isn't unusual. But yesterday I noticed a new button at the crosswalk. It's likely not new, but it's the first time I noticed it. And I noticed it, because it beeped when I pressed it. The beep caused me to pause. If I had a visual impairment, …
Parapan Am Games – inclusion?
The Parapan Am Games started this past weekend in Toronto. And I find myself wondering, again, why the "para" games are separated and later than the "non para" games. The Pan Am Games came and went in Toronto amid much fanfare. Traffic was bad, but we heard about the medal count daily and there was …
Accessibility on the Internet
I'm creating a new website and will be launching shortly. I'm really excited about it. And I'm also aware that it will be woefully inadequate for some. Given the work I do, that's painful for me. If you use a keyboard, if you use a mouse, if you can see, if you can read what's on a computer screen …
New Technology …that Excludes?
In the last couple of weeks I have had several meetings downtown in large high rise buildings, and I have noticed something new. It seems the latest technology in elevators is to pick the floor you want to go to first, which then directs you to the correct elevator. I imagine this is to provide a …
The Difference an “X” Can Make
Last month Australia made a significant change on their passport application forms; there are now three options for “gender” – M, F and X. When your passport doesn’t reflect what you look like – when your listed gender doesn’t match who you are - it can be, in the words of Senator Louise Pratt, …
Learning in a second language
I'm in New Brunswick today! This afternoon my colleague and I will deliver Diversity and Inclusion workshops. I love to facilitate, and D&I is "my thing". What makes this experience a little different, however, is that this part of New Brunswick is very French. Which makes me wonder...do I tell …
Supplier Diversity
One aspect of diversity we are not talking much about in Canada is Supplier Diversity. Growing in popularity in the USA and UK, Supplier Diversity is another way for a company to exercise their diversity and inclusion commitments. Supplier Diversity is simple: it requires companies to take a look …
More than Mentorship
Mentorship has been around for a long time, but there is a new "ship" on the block! Sponsorship. In light of my recent posts, I thought this would be a good topic for today. Mentorship is about development. Sponsorship is about advancement. While development can lead to advancement, given the …
Incentives for Hiring Immigrants – friend or foe?
Thanks to the politicians, the debate rages - is it a hand-out or is it increasing access? (and don't get me started on the difference between "foreign workers" a la Tim Hudak and immigrants looking for work). Listening to Q this morning on CBC, I heard an interesting interview with 2 successful …
[Continue reading] Incentives for Hiring Immigrants – friend or foe?
“Foreign Workers” – really Tim?!
Since the foundation of the work I do is helping people to become aware of the assumptions, stereotypes, and perceptions they carry - and how these (often unconsciously) create barriers for others and between themselves and others - I have to comment on Tim Hudak's use of the term "foreign …