Last week, because of the mass shooting in Buffalo, we offered Listening/Sharing sessions for the employees of our US clients. These are meant as safer spaces for people to share and process the impact of such a traumatic event together. Because it was a racially motivated hate crime, we created …
Different Faces of Social Justice
A few months ago I wrote about my experience moderating a panel on raising socially conscious kids. What I discovered was that being socially conscious meant different things depending on who was speaking – some parents were busy reading and speaking to their young children about privilege and …
What Does Anti-Black Racism Look Like?
Yesterday, a story ran in the Globe and Mail about an Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ruling for a restaurant to pay a Black man $10,000.00 in compensation. He and his (Black) friends were asked to prepay for their food. You can read the article here. It’s more evidence of anti-Black racism in …
Starbucks Anti-Bias Training – the tip of the iceberg
In the wake of last week’s events where two Black men were arrested for hanging around a Starbucks while waiting for a friend, Starbucks has announced it will be closing 8,000 stores in the USA to offer anti-bias training. That equals about 175,000 employees. When you do the math, that’s a fairly …
[Continue reading] Starbucks Anti-Bias Training – the tip of the iceberg
What does a doctor look like? Anti-Black racism in action.
You have probably already heard or read about Dr. Tamika Cross' post on Facebook and her experience of anti-Black racism on a Delta Airlines flight. In case you haven't, here it is in a nutshell: A man needed medical attention. She got up to help and was told to sit down. The flight attendants …
[Continue reading] What does a doctor look like? Anti-Black racism in action.
Systemic Racism in many forms…even dolls!
Last week in Calgary, a woman was shopping for dolls for her children at Toys R Us and made a startling discovery – the “dark skinned” doll was priced lower than it’s “lighter skinned” counterpart (those are the words from the CTV new report). Image from: …
[Continue reading] Systemic Racism in many forms…even dolls!
Talking about Race & Racism
Last week I was part of many conversations about race and racism – in organizations, with the people in my life, in the community. Race and racism are tricky to talk about. People feel cautious - even afraid – to say the wrong thing, or to be perceived as ignorant (or worse, as racist). The trouble …
What Difference Can a Black Police Chief make in Toronto?
So we have a Black Police Chief in Toronto. I want to cheer. But my inner voice is saying "not so fast...". Here's why: Let's consider the assumptions I am (and many people likely are likely) making based on skin colour and the expectations that these create. We might assume that since Mark …
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A Few Lessons about Racism from 2014
Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island, New York: - As long as the unconscious bias is that Black males are a threat, police officers (and others) will keep feeling that they have to use extreme force to protect themselves – even in situations where it seems clear that there is no threat. - Case in …
Protection from Discrimination? Really?!
I was shown this Huffington Post article on the weekend and had such a visceral reaction to it, I couldn’t finish it: I taught my black kids that their elite upbringing would protect them from discrimination. I was wrong. My first reaction was to shake my head in disbelief. “Really?! How could …