Yesterday, a friend of mine asked a great question: “Why are we calling it social distancing when we are physically distancing ourselves?” Hmmm.... So I looked it up and here is what I found in an article in The Atlantic. The CDC issued guidelines which include social distancing, which is: “a …
A World without Assumptions and Fear…
I had a powerful conversation yesterday with a colleague – Heather Hansen O’Neill. She was asking me about my thoughts regarding bias, assumptions, fear and how they get in the way. During that conversation she asked me a question that I had to think about. Not because I didn’t have an answer. …
Reflections on D&I…at the Spa
This past weekend I had the fortune of spending some time at the spa. It was lovely and relaxing and I made a concerted effort to not think about work - but as I finished one of the hydrotherapy circuits, I wondered about the cycle and the link to D&I. Hydrotherapy The spa I was at …
Don Cherry – and how we can miss the bigger picture of inclusion
I’m a little late to the party, but wanted to wrap up my representation series before moving on. By now, Don Cherry’s remarks and his subsequent firing are old news. But what intrigues me most about this story is how we defend ourselves, and what those defenses tell us about awareness and …
[Continue reading] Don Cherry – and how we can miss the bigger picture of inclusion
What Gandhi Didn’t Say
This past week I was at the Global Influence Summit, run by Joseph Ranseth. Joseph has spent years studying the movements of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and teaches this to thought leaders in their commitment to change. The Global Influence Summit was about starting movements. As you …
Visible Markers of Difference
Recently I spent a weekend in the Crown Height, Brooklyn – a Hasidic neighbourhood. As I walked to and from my friend’s apartment, I was surrounded by men in black suits, white shirts and hats or yarmulkes, and a few women in long skirts. Despite being a person of colour who is used to being …