Last week at the Cities of Migration conference in Toronto, one of the panelists was Rachel Peric – the Deputy Director of Welcoming America. She and the organization were introduced as having helped to turn hostile communities into welcoming ones, which of course caught my attention right away. …
The Ugly side of Diversity
It intrigues and saddens me to notice how often celebrations of diversity result in xenophobia.One of this year's Superbowl ads is a shining example of this.Coke ran an ad featuring the song America the Beautiful, sung in seven different languages and featuring a diversity of cultures and people. …
Happy Hallo-what?!
The eleven year old daughter of a friend of mine stormed into her principal's office recently to demand why they weren't being allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school this Thursday.The reason given was that not everyone celebrates Halloween, so this makes it more fair. I would guess the …