If you live in North America, June is Pride Month in many places. If you live in Toronto, this week is Pride Week – culminating in three parades on the weekend: the trans march, the dyke march and the Pride parade. Depending on your social location, this could mean a great deal to you, nothing …
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Perspective is everything. We bump into this reality time and time again in communication with others: at work, at home, at school, in the community… As soon as we have more than one person in any situation, perspective is going to be a necessary component to consider. If we want to communicate …
First Language …what can it mean?
Nova Scotia has moved to recognize Mi’kmaw as the province's First Language. While this is not to be confused with an “official language” it is being hailed as an important step. Language and Identity Language is an important part of our identity. In many First Nations communities, the amount …
Luca and D&I
Last week I watched the movie Luca again with my daughter. It’s a beautiful movie, and although there was hardly any diversity, there are so many interesting elements we can apply to D&I. The main issue is humans vs. sea monsters. Sea monsters are a very visceral example of “the …
What’s in a Word?
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about accessibility and language. It started with the word “blindspot”. I have continued to use it, despite recognizing that it’s ableist language - language that underscores that society determines ability (vs disability) as the norm and therefore as more …
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
Tomorrow - September 30 - marks the first National Day for Truth & Reconciliation in Canada. (If you’re not Canadian, take some time to consider what a day like this could mean in your country and look for resources to raise your awareness about Indigenous issues where you …
The Upside – what movies can show us about reality and possibility
Last week I watched The Upside. It's a movie from 2017 that stars Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston and Nicole Kidman. It’s based on the true story of a man who is quadriplegic and who hires a Life Auxiliary. I loved it. And it was filled with racial stereotypes that annoyed me. Philip (Bryan …
[Continue reading] The Upside – what movies can show us about reality and possibility
Masks: what they can tell us about connection
I’ve been thinking about masks this past week. Specifically, wearing them or not wearing them. I have 3 masks that have been made for me. I like the idea of wearing them. But I find I don’t wear them often. Why? It seem like such a simple thing. I had to think about it. I’m not out …
[Continue reading] Masks: what they can tell us about connection
Black History Month is over…being Black is not
Today as Black History Month is coming to an end once again, I am musing about this practice of months. They are meant to help raise awareness, which is good. They often result in reducing awareness for the rest of the year, which is not good. I’ll remind you in July to look for Black-led and …
[Continue reading] Black History Month is over…being Black is not
The Power of Leadership
Last week, Goldman Sachs announced that they wouldn’t be granting any companies IPO certification if they don’t have at least one diverse director on their Board. Well....! It is amazing to me what can happen when someone influential (or a business in this case) draws a line in the sand about …