Recently I spent a weekend in the Crown Height, Brooklyn – a Hasidic neighbourhood. As I walked to and from my friend’s apartment, I was surrounded by men in black suits, white shirts and hats or yarmulkes, and a few women in long skirts. Despite being a person of colour who is used to being …
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! If you’re Jewish, you know exactly what I’m talking about – Rosh Hashanah began last night at sundown. "Shanah Tovah!" If you’re not Jewish, or don’t have any close friends (or family) who are Jewish, it’s possible that you had no idea. Or, like me, no idea until yesterday. Which …
Religious Accommodation
One of the things that I hear about a lot working with organizations is how difficult religious accommodation feels. Passover begins next week and in the spirit of things, I thought I'd share a success story that I just heard about. B&H is a photo, video and audio company in the USA. They have …