I recently attended the Regional Diversity Roundtable’s event “It’s 2015: Which Women have Arrived?” It was an interesting and thought-provoking evening. One of the speakers was Sandeep Tatla – Chief Diversity Officer from the Ontario College of Trades. Here were a few statistics Sandeep …
senior management
Corporate Social Responsibility – what about inside the organization?
This week I was forwarded the list of Canada’s 50 Best Corporate Citizens (2011). It’s a list that Corporate Knights (“the Magazine for Clean Capitalism”) started about 10 years ago. Who knew there was such a list? I was amazed! I discovered through Madelaine Drohan’s article in the report …
[Continue reading] Corporate Social Responsibility – what about inside the organization?
More than Mentorship
Mentorship has been around for a long time, but there is a new "ship" on the block! Sponsorship. In light of my recent posts, I thought this would be a good topic for today. Mentorship is about development. Sponsorship is about advancement. While development can lead to advancement, given the …
MBA Diversity
I have spent the past 4 days with hundreds of Schulich MBA students. A colleague of mine was running the team building program for them, and I was in charge of the diversity session. It was a great experience, and I couldn't help but notice the diversity (or in some cases, lack thereof) within the …
5 Ways to Increase the Number of Women in Senior Management
On the heels of last week's interview with Anne Golden (CEO of the Conference Board of Canada) on CBC, here are 5 things Anne suggested companies need to do, to make a conscious effort to increase the number of women in senior management. Anne made reference to these as steps CP Rail has taken in …
[Continue reading] 5 Ways to Increase the Number of Women in Senior Management
Women in Management
We haven't come as far as we think. Although there are many more women in the workforce than in 1987 when the Conference Board of Canada started their study, the number of women in middle and senior management has flat-lined. Men are still twice as likely to be in management positions as women. …