This week I’m reflecting on aspects of US President Biden’s message last week after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvale on May 24, 2022, Texas where 19 school children and 2 teachers were killed.
- Makenna Lee Elrod
- Layla Salazar
- Maranda Mathis
- Nevaeh Bravo
- Jose Manuel Flores Jr.
- Xavier Lopez
- Tess Marie Mata
- Rojelio Torres
- Eliahna “Ellie” Amyah Garcia
- Eliahna A. Torres
- Annabell Guadalupe Rodriguez
- Jackie Cazares
- Uziyah Garcia
- Jayce Carmelo Luevanos
- Maite Yuleana Rodriguez
- Jailah Nicole Silguero
- Irma Garcia
- Eva Mireles
- Amerie Jo Garza
- Alexandria “Lexi” Aniyah Rubio
- Alithia Ramirez
In the short clip of a longer address, US President Biden asked some important and hear-felt questions.
Biden’s Questions
When are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?
What will we do what we know in our gut needs to be done?
Why are we willing to live with the carnage?
Why do we keep letting this happen?
Where is our backbone?
These are important and critical questions to ask. And as leaders, when we share our heart and are willing to be vulnerable, it’s powerful. Sharing like this can get people thinking. Asking questions out loud can help people ask them of themselves and imagine something else, something better.
And then what…?
Leaders need to inspire and then they need to act; to lead.
To be out front so others will follow, and in so doing, we create change.
It is important as a leaders to be in our hearts and this clip shows us Biden’s.
Tapping into feelings in order to galvanize and create change – especially social change – is part of the magic; part of the way we help people to connect, feel inspired and to act (also from their hearts).
And then leaders lead – by example.
Here’s what I would want to hear from Biden, from any leader, after these important questions:
I will stand up to the gun lobby.
I will do what I know in my gut needs to be done.
I am not willing to live with his carnage.
I will not keep letting this happen.
And then… we would see the backbone and feel the backbone, in the actions of leadership.
Making it personal
No matter where you live, as you consider your commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, to social justice, as leaders, we must act. That is our responsibility in service to change.
Ask yourself some of the hard questions as Biden has.
Share them with your team.
And then make a commitment and do the work.
Lead by example.
Show your backbone.
And make a real difference in the lives of the people in your organization, and in the lives of those you serve.
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