I had a powerful conversation yesterday with a colleague – Heather Hansen O’Neill.
She was asking me about my thoughts regarding bias, assumptions, fear and how they get in the way. During that conversation she asked me a question that I had to think about.
Not because I didn’t have an answer. But because I wanted to sit with the question and see what my heart said.
The question was; What do you hope will be the result of people “getting it” (that we are all human, understanding the way fear, assumptions and bias keep us separate).
My answer brought tears to my eyes.
I said “People will be less lonely.”
And we sat together in silence for a moment.
So I invite you to do the same and see what comes up.
Assumptions, bias and fear take us out of connection – not just with others, but with ourselves. When we recognize what’s running the show, we can choose differently. And those choices can lead us to greater connection and more community.
It’s a lovely image, don’t you think?
I invite you to take a moment during your days to check in and see what’s running your show – are you on autopilot with bias, assumption and fear in charge, or are you making conscious choices and connecting?
See what happens when you do the latter… when you see more.
(c) 2020 Annemarie Shrouder
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