Simon Sinek, in his book Leaders Eat Last, writes about how people are social beings. In those pages he explains how we feel stress when we feel that we don’t belong. And how that stress manifests in our bodies and impacts our ability to firm bonds and problem solve - among other things. This …
Technology and Access
As many of us are aware - we live in a technological world. Wifi at home and in public spaces with which we can access information from our laptops, tablets, and cellphones. Email addresses that are accessible from any of these devices - and even via apps to make it easier to connect. When we are …
New Technology …that Excludes?
In the last couple of weeks I have had several meetings downtown in large high rise buildings, and I have noticed something new. It seems the latest technology in elevators is to pick the floor you want to go to first, which then directs you to the correct elevator. I imagine this is to provide a …