On my run yesterday, I had to cross a busy street. This isn't unusual. But yesterday I noticed a new button at the crosswalk. It's likely not new, but it's the first time I noticed it. And I noticed it, because it beeped when I pressed it. The beep caused me to pause. If I had a visual impairment, …
Accessibility on the Internet
I'm creating a new website and will be launching shortly. I'm really excited about it. And I'm also aware that it will be woefully inadequate for some. Given the work I do, that's painful for me. If you use a keyboard, if you use a mouse, if you can see, if you can read what's on a computer screen …
Hiring People with Disabilities
We continue to make strides in understanding the needs of, and increasing access for people with disabilities. In Ontario, we have the Access for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). But what does accessibility really mean? While it may be easy to consider aspects of physical accessibility …