Unconscious Bias is a hot topic in the D&I world these days. It’s not surprising then, that the majority of presentations and workshops I have done in the past year have been (at least in part) about unconscious bias. Educating people about what it is and how it works is important and …
What Images Tell us About Bias and Inclusion
Last week I visited a Health Care Practitioner. As I sat in the in the waiting room I watched the TV screen display with a slide rotation of all of the practitioners who work in the office and offer complimentary care. While there is a range of offerings and small bios underneath so one can …
[Continue reading] What Images Tell us About Bias and Inclusion
Incentives for Hiring Immigrants – friend or foe?
Thanks to the politicians, the debate rages - is it a hand-out or is it increasing access? (and don't get me started on the difference between "foreign workers" a la Tim Hudak and immigrants looking for work). Listening to Q this morning on CBC, I heard an interesting interview with 2 successful …
[Continue reading] Incentives for Hiring Immigrants – friend or foe?
MBA Diversity
I have spent the past 4 days with hundreds of Schulich MBA students. A colleague of mine was running the team building program for them, and I was in charge of the diversity session. It was a great experience, and I couldn't help but notice the diversity (or in some cases, lack thereof) within the …
5 Ways to Increase the Number of Women in Senior Management
On the heels of last week's interview with Anne Golden (CEO of the Conference Board of Canada) on CBC, here are 5 things Anne suggested companies need to do, to make a conscious effort to increase the number of women in senior management. Anne made reference to these as steps CP Rail has taken in …
[Continue reading] 5 Ways to Increase the Number of Women in Senior Management
Hiring People with Disabilities
We continue to make strides in understanding the needs of, and increasing access for people with disabilities. In Ontario, we have the Access for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). But what does accessibility really mean? While it may be easy to consider aspects of physical accessibility …